Saturday, November 15, 2008

Random things ...

From November 2008

Nathan, Payton and Jenna getting ready to eat dinner last night.

Payton and Jenna getting ready to eat dinner.

In this picture, Payton was getting a little tired of the kids trying to make her smile. (Never really succeeded with that) So Nathan has a look of disgust because Payton is starting to fuss, Jenna LOOKS like she is flipping me off. (She is snapping her fingers) ... take a look at how far over Jenna is leaned and then look at the next picture ...

Yep, she hit the floor! (She's not hurt) but take a look at Nathan's face. You can almost hear him laughing. Payton was not sure what to think it looks like.

Even dinner is never dull. You can try your hardest to have a nice and quiet time and the harder you try the more chaos seems to happen. What would life be without all of it though? I read somewhere that chaos means ... Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome ... that's us! I think I read it on FlyLady.

Payton having to take a bath after the exciting dinner. She had sweet potatoes and bananas and then she had a banana in one of these mesh things and she had it squished all over the place. She loved it though. She also loves to take a bath as you can tell.

The next photo is from today ...

This is Jenna's science project ... notice the fire extinguisher (smart girl - or sarcastic I should say). She is seeing how plants do in different light and how deep their roots will be after some time. Plants have still not been acquired. Not sure what to do about that. Hopefully Sprouts will have some bean plants.

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